Valentine's Reading List for Toddlers

Valentine's Reading List for Toddlers

Similar to many of the "hallmark" holidays I just wasn't really connecting with Valentine's Day until I had kids. The BOOM I want to decorate my home with hearts, add pink streamers to every.single.thing, put love notes in lunch boxes, and create a collection of books all about loving yourself, your neighbor, and our world. While all the fluff is SO FUN, mostly I want my girls to grow up knowing and celebrating that Valentine's Day is about showing love to all people and to theirselves. #lovemore

Here are our favorite books celebrating love. 

valentines reading list for toddlers and baby

1. I Love You as Big as the World | 2. Love is a Truck | 3. Love is | 4. 1, 2, 3 You Love Me | 5. Love is a Tutu

We have these titles among lots of other sweet little treats to share with your littles this Love month both online and in the Mankato, MN headquarters shop! 

Bumbelou shop valentines for toddler and baby gifts

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