Business Giving Back: Coconut Whisk

Business Giving Back: Coconut Whisk

Today's interview is with Coconut Whisk, a local to us baking mix company started by two cool cats making vegan, nut free, soy free, gluten free, cruelty free treats which also gives back to the voiceless. It’s been super fun to watch Bella and Myles grow Coconut Whisk and cheer them on through all the big wins they’ve had this year. Get to know them today on the blog and follow them on social where they share their love of health, wellness, and personal inspiration

Join us on Instagram 7/10 - 7/12/18 for a sweet giveaway with one winner getting $20 gift certificates to both Coconut Whisk and Bumbelou! 


coconut whisk vegan baking co

  • When + how + why did your business begin?

I got the idea for Coconut Whisk in the middle of a shower on January 10th 2018. The idea made me feel electric and so I pursued it relentlessly after consulting with my partner, Myles. We grabbed a big white poster board and started the process of creating a startup. We took baby steps and it grew from there.

I always wanted to launch a vegan business but didn’t know what. Through blogging and creating vegan recipes, I’ve realized that I want to share this passion on a whole new level. We felt like the idea for Coconut Whisk aligned really well with our lifestyle and values so we took dived right in!

vegan cookies by coconut whisk

  • Did you always know that giving back was going to be part of the mission of your business?

Absolutely. Our pledge to give back to the voiceless keeps us moving forward, even on the hardest of days. Knowing that what we do is not just for the benefit of us, but for others, is what gives us the momentum and energy we need when things feel overwhelming.


vegan baking mix company coconut whisk

  • What advice do you have for someone contemplating opening or starting their own business?

I say if it FEELS right, go for it. If it feels exhilarating, expansive, joyful and aligned with your values and visions for your life, SAY YES. But don’t do it because you want to label yourself as a “business owner” or “CEO” or “Entrepreneur. It’s not glamorous on most days and it’s really hard work. But it’s worth it if you’re having fun. Also, dig deep to understand the genuine WHY behind your potential business.

vegan pancakes coconut whisk

  • Do you have a personal mantra/quote/affirmation/motto that you use to help guide you in your daily life and decision making?

“Always forward.” The word forward has so much hope and love in it. I’ve used it since my dance and performance days and it’s been a mantra that keeps me centered and always grateful for the possibilities ahead.

baking vegan with kids

  • What is one of the best or most beneficial habits or practices you have as a business owner?

Ahh, having an hour or two in the morning for ME. This is my sacred time to take care of myself so that I can show up as my best for others and Coconut Whisk. I like to journal, meditate, do yoga, read and organize during those early hours.

- Bella + Myles 

Find Coconut Whisk Online:

kids baking vegan

Thank you Bella and Myles for sharing today! My family absolutely loves your treats and the easy experience of baking vegan together. You can read more from our Business Giving Back series here as well as the story of why Bumbelou was started with a mission of profit sharing to help children. 

Join us on Instagram 7/10 - 7/12/18 for a sweet giveaway with one winner getting $20 gift certificates to both Coconut Whisk and Bumbelou! 

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