Business Giving Back : The Humble Co.

Business Giving Back : The Humble Co.

I love todays Business Giving Back story. Noel saw a need and acted and through The Humble Co. has helped children around the world with a product that is giving back, good for the environment, and beautiful too. - Jenna
  • When + how + why did your business begin?

The Humble Co. started in 2014, as Noel was volunteering as a dentist in Jamaica and realised that 1) there were a lot of plastic toothbrushes washing up on beaches and 2) a lot of kids did not have access to something as simple as a toothbrush. The idea to start a company that does not only good for the environment but also social good by giving back was born and less than four years later The Humble Co. is the world’s largest producer of bamboo toothbrushes, present in more than 30 countries and 25,000 stores!

  • Did you always know that giving back was going to be part of the mission of your business?

Short answer - yes. Not only do we find it an absolute necessity to give back to those who are in need, but we firmly believe that consumers favour brands with a strong social agenda. Consumers are not content with buying a product merely for its function, they want to know how it’s been made and by whom.

  • One of your favorite or most memorable moments/stories related to giving back?

Witnessing first-hand how children in poorer countries are thankful for the smallest of gifts, which we in our part of the world take for granted.

  • What is one common misconception people have about the cause that your business helps support?

The medical necessity of it. Caries is the world’s most prevalent disease, which can lead to terrible diseases, complications and not least pain if not treated properly.


Thanks to Noel Abdayem for being an inspirational business who makes it a mission to give back. You can read more from our series here as well as the story of why Bumbelou was started with a mission of profit sharing to help children.

Instagram @TheHumble.Co.

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