Bumbelou Blog

  • Practical Tips & Tricks for those Pesky Tantrums

    Practical Tips & Tricks for those Pesky Tantrums

    “Me want”, “Me have”, “NO” Every toddler has their own way of letting you know they want, no, need, this one thing, something has to be done a certain way, or they have to do everything themselves. Whatever it is,...

  • Sign Language - How to start and why we love it!

    Sign Language - How to start and why we love it!

    As a Mama of a toddler, I often feel like I am trying to understand a completely different language when trying to communicate with them. One way I found to help with this was the use of basic sign language....

  • Reading & Diversity

    Reading & Diversity

    Let’s talk books, diversity, and why they are important. First it takes an entire community to make changes in how we think about society, culture, and people. I am sure you’ve heard this a million times, especially recently. I am...

  • The Power of Outdoors

    The Power of Outdoors

    I am ashamed to admit that I’ve never been a huge lover of the outdoors. In the summer it’s much easier for me, but during the cold months I’d rather snuggle up inside. I strongly dislike being cold! But this...

  • Win the Morning

    Win the Morning

    I've never enjoyed mornings. We don't get along. I get up at 6am. Sometimes 5:45.... sometimes 5:30. I drink the coffee, I read, I write, I run. But I don't know that we will ever be real friends. So I...