Back To School Books
I have a serious weakness for children's books, and will likely still be buying them long after my children are grown! I'm not quite ready to pack away our summer collection yet, but I have started to gather up our back to school books and look for a few new titles to add to our collection. There are so many good ones out there, but here are just a handful of our favorites!
If You Take a Mouse to School- A classic!
School's First Day of School- THE cutest book about how a little school prepares for ITS first day of school!
The Smallest Girl In The Smallest Grade- A sweet story about a girl to takes a stand against bullies, teasing, and excluding others. One voice can make a big difference!
Mermaid School- Who wouldn't want to be a mermaid and go to mermaid school?! My girls LOVE this one!
Llama Llama Misses Mama-The perfect book for the littlest ones, reminding them of how much fun they are going to have at school, and knowing that you will ALWAYS come back!
The Kissing Hand- This is the sweetest book and will pull at your heartstrings for sure! It's about a Mama and her baby raccoon and their special tradition before sending him off to school.
Here are a few more of our favorites:
The NIght Before Preschool (there are also Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade versions!)
Happy reading friends!