Beating the winter blues
I know the groundhog didn’t see his shadow this year, but I don’t know when that means spring is coming. I look outside and all I see is snow for days. I like winter, mostly, but it’s about this time in the season that I start getting squirmy and dream of Spring!
We’ve exhausted our board game + playdough + hide and seek rotation. I’m ready for some sun and fresh air! Unfortunately for me, a family getaway isn’t in the cards this year. But when you can’t beat ‘em, you’re supposed to join ‘em, right?
I really do dislike being cold, but I find when I join my kids outside my attitude and mood is so much better. Going for a short walk, visiting a nearby park, and just some good old fashioned playing in the snow can do wonders this time of year.
One of my kids’ current favorites is mixing up these “potions”. It’s super easy, and super fun! All you need is water + 1 drop of food coloring + a spray bottle (I found these in the travel section of our local grocery store) Make the snow your canvas and you’re guaranteed to have some creative fun!