Easy Like a Sunday Morning
Well, maybe not quite as easy as a Sunday morning, but here's one way i'm making our weekday mornings a little less hectic...
There is so much to remember for school this year. In addition to our regular lunches, snacks, and water bottles, we now have to remember chromebooks and masks. It's a lot for me to remember, and i'm sure even harder for my kids to keep track of it all! I actually made a checklist and taped it to the door out to the garage to help make sure we don't forget anything! But all that aside, one of my best tricks to help a morning get off to a good start is laying out our clothes beforehand. Now, my kids are all pretty independent and could easily get themselves dressed each morning, but this helps insure that everything they want to wear is clean, they are dressed appropriately for the weather (especially on these chilly mornings!), and that their outfits are matching and presentable.
I already had these peg hooks hanging in my kids' rooms. They hold books bags, hats, and purses in the summer months, but we cleared those out for now. Next, I cut pieces of cardstock to a 3"x 3" square, and used letter stickers I had on hand to label the days of the week. You could also print something similar off your computer or just write them by hand! Next, I laminated them for durability. Packaging tape would work too! For my preschooler, I put little stars on the days she has preschool, just as a visual for her to help her know the plan for her day.
I hang pants on the hanger like this above, and then hang the shirt right on top. Occasionally, my little one will choose to wear a skirt, then I use big binder clips to hang it like this.
Here's another cute idea I saw over at The Mama Notes. I like how this one can hang in the closet!
Whatever your mornings look like these days, I hope they're easy like a Sunday morning!