Fall Book Picks

My kids are getting older, but if there's one thing I can't quit, it's buying picture books! Gorgeous illustrations draw me in, and I just love changing them out seasonally. Some of my best memories with my little ones are wrapped up in reading, and I love pulling out books and the memories associated with them. I don't have a fancy shelf to display them all, but rather I just strew them around the house (in their bedrooms, in our play tent, on the ottoman...) and wait for my kids to find them. It makes me so happy to find one of them snuggled up with a book. Here's a selection of our fall books...
Autumn- this is a wordless boardbook, and the illustrations are perfect for talking about all the beautiful fall things with your littles.
Adventures With Barefoot Critters- I love these little woodland creatures paired with an ABC story.
Apple Cake- the sweetest story of gratitude for the simple things in life. I can't wait to use included recipe for apple cake!
Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn- We love summer and hate to say goodbye to it, but this book helps us remember all the great things Fall has to offer.
Hello, Harvest Moon- We love watching the sun rise and set out in the country, and my kids always have a million questions about it! THis sweet story shares things happening in the world while the moon is out.
Johnny Appleseed- Fall and apples go hand in hand, am I right?
Let's Go Home- This is my most favorite children's book of all time. I usually rotate it through a couple times a year because it brings the best feelings of home and coziness!
The Little Yellow Leaf- Follow the journey of a little yellow leaf as its the last to fall from its tree.
One Leaf, Two Leaves, Count With Me- A fun counting book that you can then go do in your own yard!
Rosie and the Hobby Farm- I just picked this one up from Bumbelou and am excited to add it to our collection. We have big dreams of getting our land back to a hobby farm one day.
Sweep- This sweet story is about a boy who is in a bad mood, and how it swirls and sweeps into a big heap, before one small thing changes his demeanor and turns his day around. This story feels very relatable for kiddos with big emotions ...not that I have any of those....kidding ;)
Curl up and get cozy! Let me know your favorite books for fall!