How To Create A Book Nook When You Don't Have A Pinterest Worthy Space (Spoiler: You Totally Can!)
If you take one long scroll through Instagram or a search of kids' rooms on Pinterest, you can't help but notice that Book Nooks seem to be all the rage right now. I personally love them. I think they are adorable, aesthetically pleasing, and most important, encouraging kids to read!
[Photo credit: amylouhawthrorne on Instagram]
If I lived in my dream home, I would totally have one. Maybe two! But alas, I don't, and I don't have the space in my small home for one (we've already got 6 people in 1200 square feet!). I could easily feel sorry for myself or write it off as not possible, but that's not me. I'd rather take a look at the space I do have to work with, and get creative!
I already have the books. Being a former Kindergarten teacher, children's books fall in the category of my love language. I get far more enjoyment out of finding quality literature to read to my kids than I do finding books of my own adult interest. I've also learned over the years that they key to keeping kids engaged is to change things up! If I kept all of our books out all year round, they wouldn't have that special appeal and draw my kids in. But when I separate our collections into seasons and themes and store them in the off seasons, they suddenly become magical and suck my kids right in when I do bring them out.
I may not have a Pinterest worthy book nook or designated wall in my home to display books. But what I do have are lots of cozy corners! One of my own very favorite places to curl up and browse through a magazine is in this oversized chair tucked into a corner of my bedroom. Add a diffuser, a pillow, and a cozy blanket, and it's like a moth to a flame. I often come in here to read and find somebody already in my spot!
Another spot my kids like to read is in their beds! Naturally, we do a lot of reading here before bedtime. My boys have bunk beds, so I loved this idea of adding book storage right onto the wall since they don't have nightstands. We added in a strand of patio string lights, and it’s just enough to make it feel special!
Somehow, my girls lucked out and ended up with the biggest (and best) room of the house. Honestly, we played musical rooms so many times while our family was growing and expanding, and this is just the combo we landed on that worked the best for everyone. They have this magical little side room off of their bedroom, and I will say it's a dream. It's been a handful of things over the years, but currently it's a space that nurtures my oldest daughter's creative side. I love to turn on the soft lighting and read aloud to her here. We're currently reading Anne of Green Gables together, and let me just tell you, kids never outgrow being read to!
I could talk for days about all my favorite books for kids, but for time's sake, I rounded up just a few of our current seasonal favorites to share with you today. You can pick them up at Bumbelou, or request them from your library!
One Leaf, Two Leaves, Count With Me, Stumpkin,
The Great Pumpkin Contest , Pick a Pumpkin
Grab some favorite books, a blanket, find a cozy spot, and happy reading!